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Contact Us

We Are Here To Help

Our Admissions Coordinators are available 24/7 to help you make an informed decision about treatment options. Your call is CONFIDENTIAL, so call now to set yourself or your loved one on the road to recovery.


If you would like to receive a return call from an Admissions Coordinator, please use our form and we will contact you right away.

Behavioral Health Care Professionals:

We know that a trusting collaboration among professionals begins by taking measured risks and is then confirmed by consistent, successful outcomes. We understand this process takes time. Milestones Ranch Malibu is a program with a unique style. We invite you to visit our beautiful facility, meet our staff, and observe firsthand the care your client will receive. You may have had someone in your practice for a period of time who could benefit from MILESTONES. Should you recommend us to your client, we aim to have you as involved in his or her stay as is feasible for you and our clinical team, while adhering to legal and ethical parameters. Rest assured that whatever level of involvement you choose, and whatever aftercare we recommend, we make it a priority for the client to confirm an appointment with you prior to the completion of their stay. We look forward to building a lasting professional relationship with you. Thank you for your interest in Milestones Ranch Malibu!