Onsite Chef

The kitchen at Milestones Ranch Malibu is a bit of magic among the trees and flowers and gardens tended by Laure Williams.  It is a joyful, separate space where staff congregates for the occasional early morning dance party and where clients can relax a little from the rigors of their internal work to learn how nutrition supports their recovery and, for those who are interested, how a spot of gardening vegetables is therapeutic and creative.

The Milestones kitchen is ran on a variety of principles including  “Food is medicine”.  We realize how our culture’s processed foods leads to depression and anxiety which can lead to drug use.  The body becomes nutrient deficient.

Many of our clients have told us that  our cooking is “The best food I ever had and I’ve never felt so taken care of.”

Such statements prove how positive intention and medicine come together in grilled vegetables from the Milestone’s garden or chocolate avocado mousse.   Our hope is that if we provide enough education, clients will take the nutritional lessons with them.