Milestones Ranch Malibu is located on an expansive 200 acre ranch nestled in the Santa Monica mountains.  Our natural landscape offers a beautiful environment for healing and recovery. Following the social distancing and CDC guidelines, clients can take advantage of  our natural surroundings of lush vegetation, waterfalls and beautiful eucalyptus trees throughout the ranch.  

In addition, our clients continue to have access to our private gym facilities, swimming pool as well as local hiking trails.

The staff at Milestones Ranch Malibu understands that finding a treatment program during the pandemic crisis can be highly stressful for families and loved ones.  We are unique in regard to our beautiful and natural environment where clients can experience a sense of safety during this stressful time.

With Covid-19 information evolving daily, our staff at Milestones Ranch Malibu is committed to ensure the safety of our clients and staff by taking additional steps to evaluate the potential risk when admitting clients during times of pandemic and implementing the most current CDC guidelines and recommendations.  

Milestones Ranch Malibu remains operational as the services we provide are recognized as essential services by the CDC.  Our staff will continue to provide the highest quality of care for our clients while following ongoing current health and safety guidelines from the CDC.   

We recognize people struggling with mental health and addiction may find this time highly stressful.  Isolation and social distancing can be challenging and may increase symptoms of depression and anxiety.  

New Admissions

To prevent the spread of communicable diseases and keep our environment safe for our current residents and staff, we implemented a comprehensive Covid-19 pre-screening process and provide Covid-19 testing to all potential clients prior to admission.  

During times of current pandemic, the following actions have been implemented in addition to the regular screening and admissions process:

  1. Pre-screening questions have been added to the pre-admission assessment based on the nature of the pandemic to determine possible exposure and/or infection of potential clients at the earliest possible stage.
  2. All potential clients are medically cleared prior to admission with specific Covid-19 testing and medical evaluation for pandemic disease. 

Cleaning and Sanitation 

Our staff follow cleaning and sanitization standards and guidance recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

A cleaning schedule has been created to ensure the full facility is cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis, including office and administrative areas used by staff members only.

Increased Hand Washing & Social Distancing 

Hand Hygiene

Milestones Ranch Malibu practices hand hygiene guidelines on a regular basis.  Hand sanitizers are provided to staff for regular use and are made available for clients upon request.